Marketing Inspiration #1

In this series of marketing inspiration posts, we’re recapping the best of what we’ve learnt over the week from our Shiny New Object Podcast guests and the episodes of Advertisers Watching Ads.

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“It’s the mistakes you learn the most from” (Jim Mollica, CMO, Bose Corporation)

Being a good marketing leader means you need to show vulnerability, creating a safe space to attempt new things, fail, and try again. Showing that you’re human makes others around you more open to making mistakes, too - and that’s essential for making progress.

 “Follow the latest, be different and stay relevant.” - Shruti Samant (Digital Marketing Specialist) from P&G Health.
Shruti says appealing to the limbic part of the brain can make ads more memorable and help brands get their message across more clearly. Companies can do this by resorting to Sonic Branding. This allows them to break through the digital clutter in an on-screen world.

Empathy is the foundation of all good marketing.” - Benni Lickfett (Global Head of Digital Innovation) from Diageo

You cannot just create marketing content without making sure you’re truly listening to consumers. Whether that’s through A/B testing, listening to focus groups, or trying and failing multiple times before you get the best message, empathy towards your audience is the key to successful advertising. 

All of these insights came from Automated Creative’s Shiny New Object podcast, where senior marketers at brands share their vision for the future of marketing.

There is plenty of Marketing Inspiration to be found this month on Advertisers Watching Ads - our show where top marketers watch other brands’ ads and rate the best and worst about them.

We talked about reaching different generations by embracing virtual markets, in-game marketing and app-based betting with guests from Betfair, Brandwatch, Aunt Bessie’s, Reckitt, GSK and more. 

This month we were delighted to be featured by UK Fundraising in an informative article about how AI has been used to help charity organisations raise important funds for their work. Our partnership with NCS is mentioned in the full article here.

Case Study

Facebook says that a brand’s name should appear in the first 3 seconds of an ad for best performance. With Smirnoff, we proved this wasn’t true. Our insight showed that ads get better view-through-rates when they start with storytelling. Find out more about our work with Smirnoff here.

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