Creativity, Ads & AI News #5

Machine learning helps turn thoughts into text 

If you have trouble articulating your thoughts, here’s some good news: scientists have developed artificial intelligence that can turn brain activity into text. Researchers from the University of California generated written text from brain activity during speech, with the help of machine learning. “We are not there yet but we think this could be the basis of a speech prosthesis” commented one of the scientists. 

AI-powered influencer marketing 

Could AI impact influencer marketing? From finding the right creators, detecting fake engagement, identifying relevant content through to predicting and calculating ROI, this is an interesting glimpse into how AI could make one of the ad industry’s biggest (but often most controversial) growth areas more accountable. 

Robotic acting taken to the next level 

Move over Becks and Zoella, here’s talent of a very different kind. The Aigency has launched - and it’s an agency for - wait for it - robot and virtual actors. The company connects film production studios, event organizers, and other media groups with robots and “virtual beings.” Sounds a bit nuts, but with the rise in virtual personas, it may be a stroke of genius in the long term. 

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