Creativity, Ads & AI News #6

Never a dull moment in the world of artificial intelligence, here’s what’s caught our eye in recent headlines.

Trump taps AI to reach Facebook audiences 

Love him or hate him, there’s no denying Donald Trump knows how to play the audience on social media. This piece in The Atlantic looks at how Trump’s digital team uses Facebook, including AI: “Facebook has built an algorithmic ad-buying system with a mercenary drive toward results, and Trump’s campaign exploits it tirelessly. In the artificial-intelligence field, this system is the opposite of self-driving cars or robots or virtual assistants: a deeply boring, basically invisible application of machine learning that is dramatically reshaping our lives, not someday but right now.”

AI is music to our ears 

This is a fascinating piece looking at the past, present and future of artificial intelligence role in music. From the current applications like AI-based recommendation engines, filtering engines and audio mastering to the futuristic wearable neuro-electrical stimulators or biometric and physiology-based music. Well worth a read. 

New York Times examines AI in special report 

Does AI have a place in the world of creative? The New York Times examines whether computer technologies will enhance or even substitute for human creativity. “In the future it is possible that these new tools will begin to take over much of what we consider creative tasks such as writing, composing and other artistic ventures.” The article is part of a wider AI Special Report, which you can find here.

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