Creativity, Ads and AI News #3

Never a dull moment in the world of artificial intelligence, here’s what’s caught our attention in creative AI over the last week.

How AI is influencing fashion 

We’re a fashionable bunch here at Automated Creative (ahem), so we were interested to spot this feature in The Metro. It looks at how AI is set to transform how we wear and consume clothes, specifically focusing on AI-led designs. Check it out for creative inspiration.

In related news, great to see the London College of Fashion is launching an AI and Fashion course; as the College’s Head of Innovation Matthew Drinkwater explains: “Artificial Intelligence will have a profound impact on every aspect of the fashion industry, from creation, supply chain to retail and even the catwalk experience itself.” Quite.

Three looks to the future in 5G ad

Hats off to Three for its fun new 5G advert which showcases, amongst other things, some of the future uses of AI-led technology. It’s a jam packed three minutes and worth watching for anyone who considers themselves future focused. See if you agree with their take on what's to come.

Facebook uses AI to detect fake accounts 

Facebook needs a bit of good PR, and it’s turning to AI to try and help rebuild its reputation when it comes to fake users. It says that last year, it took down on average close to 2 billion fake accounts per quarter and this Technology Review article explains how the social media giant is using machine learning to do this.

Tipple time 

Lastly, a quick final mention for Diageo with its excellent ‘What’s Your Whisky’ AI tool. The pilot is still available here (courtesy of former Shiny New Object podcast guest Will Harvey). Get stuck in.

Automated Creative