Case Study - Unilever / Cleanipedia / Facebook / Germany
Unilever’s is a one-stop-shop for advice on how to keep your home clean. There is a huge amount of content on how to solve a multitude of cleaning conundrums. The business’ goal was to help double all traffic to the website from all channels.
Unilever worked with Automated Creative and their self-serve tool CREATOR to self generate and optimise Facebook ads in Germany to drive consistently low cost traffic to the website and deliver actionable insight into the written and visual emotional triggers that drove clicks.
Results - AC’s CREATOR tool delivered a 122% Improvement on Facebook benchmark and the “best ever CTR for the brand”
“CREATOR is showing impressive results so far and giving us new creative insight to the brand” - Seb Bardin - Global Head of Acquisition & Marketing
How did it work?
Cleanipedia used AC’s self-serve CREATOR tool, working collaboratively with their media agency Otherway and AC to deliver Facebook ads to the German audience, improving on CPC metrics and discovering the most effective creative triggers.
AC’s Self-Serve Creator tool allowed Unilever to test hypotheses about the types of content the audience were interested in each week by self-generating new ads based that tested different emotional triggers.
Here’s a small sample of the insight AC delivered:
‘Factual’ language style outperformed more ‘Emotive’ or ‘Personal’ language styles
Objects such as washing machines and clothes did better than visuals containing people
The audience showed a preference for men and preferred full face/body shots than close-ups of legs or hands
Static ads significantly outperformed video ads
Moving forward Unilever can use Automated Creative to:
Avoid expensive edits of hero assets
Centralise the creation, localisation, optimisation and reporting of Facebook ad performance
Systematically test different creative routes, straplines, strategies, visuals and language styles
Create an unlimited ads in minutes
Bring strategic and creative control in-house
Drive performance through the funnel
If you’d like to know more about Automated Creative and our self serve tool 'CREATOR’ please email us at