Driving offline sales through online advertising: How Automated Creative supported the launch of Jim Beam Orange in the UK and delivered key insights and brand buzz

Working with Edrington in the UK, Automated Creative helped launch a new flavour of Jim Beam into the British market by generating buzz and desirability among targeted audiences. We developed ads that delivered above-benchmark engagement and gathered key insights for future action by the brand.

Through our approach, we discovered which ads were the most effective for driving awareness and consideration. With our AI-driven automated ads, we could design creative at scale, quickly and cost effectively from existing brand assets - giving us control over tracking every element of the creative and keeping costs down for the client. Here’s how we did it.

The goal?

Edrington were launching a new product - Jim Beam Orange - in the UK market. The aim was specifically to drive offline sales at Asda stores through a targeted online campaign. We wanted to generate buzz around the new offering, but also to deliver insight into what inspires customers to engage with the Jim Beam brand. 

Finally, we aimed to improve media performance for Jim Beam ads - increasing video completion rates (VCR) and reducing cost per through-play on Meta and YouTube. 

The approach?

Thanks to Automated Creative’s proprietary software, we were able to repurpose the brand’s global assets to be digital-first and to combine a series of cues to understand the most effective visuals and messaging for Jim Beam Orange. We analysed messages, language, visuals and formats to find what worked the best with the target audience.

Once ads were live, we were also able to optimise them in-flight, adjusting based on customer feedback and continuously improving their performance. 

Because of AC’s ability to produce ads at scale and continuously adjust for best performance, we also provided Edrington with an efficient creative production solution.  

The result?

The new Jim Beam Orange online campaign delivered some impressive results:

  • 55.24% VCR on YouTube (compared to a benchmark of 30%);

  • 6.84% Ad recall uplift in Consideration;

  • 2X media value by lowering awareness CPM.

We achieved over 1 million 3-second views and drilled into what made audiences engage with the brand, outlining the DNA of a top performing ad. 

Through using Automated Creative, Edrington could take the guesswork out of which ads work for driving offline sales and start growing with Jim Beam Orange in Asda stores. We also helped them uncover useful audience insights for potential future product development opportunities. 

Here are more details:

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