Creativity Ads and AI - August

Creativity, Ads & AI: August

This is what Automated Creative have been up to in the past month.

We’ve just wrapped up an exciting project with NCS - a government backed programme established in 2011 to help build a more cohesive, mobile and engaged society. This year, in order to help change teenagers’ perceptions of the company and drive interest and sign ups in its annual program, it decided to take an innovative approach to digital ads - working with yours truly! 

Results included 184% improvement on CTR benchmark (0.25%) delivering at 0.71% and 77% improvement on CPC benchmark. But most importantly for NCS, as well as delivering value, this AI-driven approach helped drive business results too, delivering a 31% improvement on the cost of signups via paid social ads to the program. Watch this space for a forthcoming case study, or get in touch with us on if you’d like to discuss how we could work together.

What happens when we watch advertisers, watching adverts 

Our most exciting news this month was undoubtedly the launch of Advertisers Watching Ads, or AWA if that’s too much of a mouthful. Our pilot episode saw GSK’s Jerry Daykin,’s Helen Saul and Takumi’s Mary Keane-Dawson delve into ads from TikTok, KFC and Cadbury’s. Check out what we learned from it on our blog, and have a watch below. 

Creativity, Ads & AI: August 

Welcome to our monthly newsletter, featuring the latest updates from Automated Creative.

Are you biased? AI can help. 

Our founder Tom Ollerton recently wrote about AI and overcoming bias in marketing for effectiveness-focused site WARC. 

“Our industry, ironically for somewhere that’s usually focused on selling en masse to broad demographics, can be very inward looking. We enjoy patting one another on the back at award ceremonies, and celebrating creative ideas without any reflection on whether they provided ROI for the client. In contrast, AI provides a far more objective view. One that is often very different from the expectations.”

Read the full piece here, or to speak to us about how AI can help you, contact us on

Marketing leaders from Mahabis, WWF, Arsenal and Danone feature in Shiny New Object Podcast

It’s been another busy month for the Shiny New Object podcast, with Automated Creative founder Tom Ollerton chatting to some of the most interesting marketing leaders around. 

Mahabis CMO Olly Rzysko talked about flexible working and how to manage stress levels. Read more in Marketing Society here

Bonnie Chia, WWF’s head of brand discussed open-source brands, changing the world, advice to new starters in marketing and life lessons: read more in Madfest

Arsenal Football Club’s Partnership Development Manager Ann Gacutan takes a look at personal and professional values, effective communication, and the difference between East and West in business and marketing. Read more here

And finally, Danone’s Vice President for Marketing in North America, Sonika Patel, discussed the importance of sonic branding. Read more in Madfest here

Advertisers Watching Ads: Pride, Samsung, TikTok and more 

It wasn’t just our podcasts that have been storming ahead, July was also packed full of our Gogglebox for advertisers-style YouTube show, Advertisers Watching Ads.  

We kicked off the month with a Pride special, looking at which brands had really nailed their Pride-focused ads this year. 

Further episodes featured recent ads in Asia from Samsung, Whatsapp and Honda, and a TikTok special. 

Watch all of them in full here

Meanwhile, the Gaming Economy featured a write up of an earlier Fortnite-focused episode of AWA - read it in full here

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