My Best Marketing Tips #31: Procter & Gamble / Shruti Samant / Digital Marketing Specialist

My Best Marketing Tips #31: Procter & Gamble / Shruti Samant / Digital Marketing Specialist


Shruti is the Digital Marketing Specialist at Procter & Gamble, having accumulated an extremely diverse experience at Infosys, Perfetti Van Melle and HDFC Bank during her career. She’s always followed her passion, which has led to a perfect blend of tech education, artistic expression, and marketing strategy.

Through combining her interest in singing with learning about logical data analytics, Shruti feels that she’s been able to develop her marketing acumen. As she puts it: “In the process of pursuing my passion as a hobby, I learnt the art of creating content.”

What would be your best marketing tip?

Follow the latest, be different and stay relevant.

This is a combination of pieces of advice, but I think it’s very important especially in digital marketing, which is so agile. Technology advances so much all the time, so you always need to follow what’s the newest form of expression. At the same time, consumers are facing a digital clutter with too much content, so you need to stand out by being different and staying relevant to their needs.

How have you put this marketing tip to good use?

I always step back and consider what my objectives are, who my audience is and what are the most effective ways to get their attention. So many brands are competing in the visual marketing space now, they’re gripped by FOMO (fear of missing out). But this over-crowds the consumer’s attention. As a result, the best way to target customers right now, I think, is through audio content and sonic branding.

What marketing tips does the industry need most right now?

Consumers are bombarded with too many ads and they need space and a real connection to brands, or they’ll just ignore your content. Switching to sonic branding, which engages the limbic part of the brain and ensures that ads are more memorable and distinctive, is the way to do this.

You know how the McDonald’s jingle immediately connects their message to their brand? It’s a simple association and sometimes it can also trigger memories, familiarity. Nowadays there are even opportunities for voice-led searches. In fact, research suggests 30-50% of searches are voice-led through Alexa, Siri and similar services. With this boom in voice technology, brands can use this to their advantage.

What is the marketing tip you give most often?

I think marketing, especially digital marketing, is a very hands-on, experiential learning subject. You need to understand consumers and their needs, and you need to find ways to stand out from the immense quantity of content that’s currently being produced. For someone just starting out, I suggest looking at digital marketing content, analysing what works, and learning from that.


Listen to Shruti talk about her passion for singing, her favourite marketing books and her views on blending audio content into marketing, on the latest episode of our Shiny New Object podcast:

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