Pharma, AI, and the Future of Marketing: Tom Ollerton’s Guest Appearance on the Pharma Marketing Network Podcast

Automated Creative’s founder Tom Ollerton spoke to R.J. Lewis from the Pharma Marketing Network about the use of AI in advertising and how we have successfully run pharma campaigns by blending human insight and machine creativity. Touching on the future of marketing as well as the implications of using AI within advertising, Tom reflected on how a new marketing approach is needed by brands in all industries today.

Appearing as a guest on the Pharma Marketing Network podcast, Tom recently had the opportunity to cover some interesting topics on how AI can be used effectively in marketing today and in the future. Discussing how Automated Creative uses a combination of human insight and machine creativity, Tom talked about our recent case studies, including the work done with Reckitt Benckiser on infant nutrition products in the APAC region.

Artificial Intelligence in advertising allows us to understand what triggers drive interest and performance for brands’ ads. As Tom put it: “The more brands follow best practice, the more they become similar to each other… and the less they stand out.” This is why it is crucial not just to follow the traditional marketing trends, but to test what truly speaks to customers and use that insight to deliver dynamic, targeted content that will bring results.

Tom explained how Automated Creative can offer this type of dynamic messaging, whether through testing ads at scale to see what language works best with different types of people, or adjusting messages in real-time to always generate the most strategic and impactful advertising for any brand. 

R.J. was interested in how regulation impacts our work, especially as the pharmaceutic industry is highly regulated and relies on governmental approval of the messages used. Thanks to using social listening research, Automated Creative are actually able to gain these approvals relatively painlessly, as we start from the conversation landscape that we perceive from social sources about a brand, rather than generate random pieces of messaging that could be difficult to cover in terms of approval. Automated Creative therefore get to the DNA of the best performing ad and create better messages, but not uncontrollable messages that regulation would be concerned with.

The pharma industry can incorporate AI in a number of ways: understanding the subtlety of messages, the impact of different language used, the themes and styles of ads. However, the use of AI in advertising is unlikely to take jobs away from creative humans, Tom thinks. This is because the best results, as far as we have found at Automated Creative, are obtained by the intersection of human insight with machine creativity. Effectively, the way AI works is by harnessing the strengths of both human (with deep, strategic insight and analysis) and machine (collecting data and producing messages at a scale unmatched by the human brain). 

To hear more about Tom’s thoughts on advertising in the pharma industry, you can listen to the podcast here.

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