My Best Marketing Tips #3: Unilever / Seb Bardin / Digital Product Owner -

This week’s Best Marketing Tip comes from Seb Bardin who is the Digital Product Owner for at Unilever, having previously led digital media and strategy at Sony.

Seb is a regular guest on Advertisers Watching Ads and a client here at AC (check out the case study).

Here is his top tip:

What is the best marketing tip you’ve ever received and who was it from?

“Keep it simple!”

That’s something my team lead at Sony, Björn Bourdin (now MD at Sonic Sales Support encouraged us to do more when defining the strategies or coming up with new martech solutions.

How have you put this marketing tip to good use?

You have to agree with Einstein 'If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Make things simple can help to get things done in a timely manner with fewer blockers. It makes it easy to engage with stakeholders from different teams and to get their sign-offs.

What marketing tips does the industry need most right now?

Align everything you do in marketing with your business objectives. With all the new shiny solutions in digital, it’s easy to lose sight of the bottom line – Always ask yourself: Will it drive growth? What’s the value for the business?

If you love your brand the same way your consumers love your brand, you should also use the product(s).

What is the marketing tip you give most often?

Developing the best marketing strategy is simple, but making sure, it’s been understood by all the parties and executed properly is what makes it successful!

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