My Best Marketing Tips #2: Wickes / Pollyanna Ward / Marketing Manager - Digital

This week’s Best Marketing Tip comes from Pollyanna Ward who is Marketing Manager - Digital at Wickes.

Not only is Pollyanna our cherished client and regular guest on Advertisers Watching Ads she’s also regularly kicking up a fuss on social. If you do anything today, follow her on twitter @pollage.

When Pollyanna isn't innovating with AI in her digital marketing she has a tasty side hustle in form of One Click Coffee. Here is her top tip:

What is the best marketing tip you’ve ever received and who was it from?

"No one wakes up and wonders why their favourite cookie hasn't tweeted them" - Jerry Daykin

How have you put this marketing tip to good use?

Every piece of content that goes out must be able to stand alone, make sense and be relevant to the target audience without requiring a 'like' or a 'DM' in order to feel some sort of connection with the brand. It's also really helped me when it comes to choosing channels or thinking up campaign ideas, because you can very easily get sucked in to the cool 'viral' idea or the one that gets lots of likes or the one that requires 'hyper personalisation', but in reality those ideas are great when you are a teeny start up, or are in an incredibly niche industry, but for the majority of brands we just need every potential customer to know we exist with or without a personalised tweet.

What marketing tips does the industry need most right now?

Look beyond your competitors when it comes to "what good looks like". The best in your industry might not necessarily be the best way of doing things overall. We also need to move away from only looking at the big brands like Nike, because sometimes the best ideas are carried out when there's less budget, when there's higher risk, and when there's greater limitations.

What is the marketing tip you give most often?

Read widely around the subject. By that I mean subscribe to newsletters, watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts. This is an industry that doesn't have straightforward maths equations on how to do things right. It's all based on experience, sharing ideas, new and old ways of thinking combined... So by learning or staying up to date with a variety of sources, you'll start to naturally have more ideas and a more considered way of thinking...

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