My Best Marketing Tips #24: NFL / Michelle Webb / Commercial Director

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Having worked for the British Olympic Association and for the NFL, Michelle has had some enviable roles in sports marketing throughout her career. She’s learnt a lot about what makes a good team, how to deliver value and meaningful results and – more recently – how to show vulnerability and empathy.

Michelle values the idea of showing vulnerability as a brand and sharing when you’re struggling, as a business and as a person. Those who do so and put in place strategies and actions to deal with their challenges will stand out from other brands in the long term.

What would be your best marketing tip?

Always ask: “So what?”

It’s great to deliver campaigns, but what does that mean to the brand? Why does it matter?

How have you put this marketing tip to good use?

I first came across this question when I’d just started at the NFL and sat in a wrap-up meeting with a partner. It’s been on my mind ever since. Basically, what does it mean to the brand when we do any initiative? And why do certain numbers and results matter?

I’m always trying to understand the data more and how it really transforms into actions to take away and deliver results.

What marketing tips does the industry need most right now?

We need to show vulnerability and be more open to those who do so. Listening is key, but also putting in place strategies to cope with challenges like the pandemic we’ve just been going through.

I think brands have an important role in being more transparent and showing their own challenges as well. It’s okay to be vulnerable, and by talking about it we’re building a more empathetic environment. But you can’t just say you’re empathetic and not follow it up with action. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon, show what you’re doing about it, too.

What is the marketing tip you give most often?

Invest time in people and building great teams. If you communicate well, you’ll deliver great results. As a manager, if you surround yourself with good people who work well together it will also make your job easier.

For new starters in marketing, my tips are: network and get as much experience as you can. People have never been more willing to give up some time over LinkedIn messages or video calls, so take advantage of this. And volunteer to get experience, so you can show you’re passionate about the industry you want to get into.

Listen to Michelle talk about her top marketing tips, her passion for great teams and how brands should embrace vulnerability, on the latest episode of our Shiny New Object podcast:

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