Marketing Inspiration #2

In this series of marketing inspiration posts, we’re recapping the best of what we’ve learnt over the week from our Shiny New Object Podcast guests and the episodes of Advertisers Watching Ads.

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What does finger-lickin’ good chicken have to do with AI?

We loved hearing KFC UK & Ireland CMO Jack Hinchcliffe talk about how working with Automated Creative helped the brand stop trying to guess what customers want to see in their ads, as part of Jack’s appearance at MAD//Fest this month. 

Working with us, KFC achieved a 193% improvement on performance benchmark, proving that observation beats assumption.

You can watch Jack’s full talk here:

And what were some of the best bits of marketing inspiration we gathered this month?

The future is already here.” (Cicero Hennemann, Marketing Technology Lead - Western Europe)

When looking for inspiration or struggling to find that next big trend, look at the early adopters and see what they’re embracing. The future is happening for some people already, it’s just that we haven’t noticed it yet. Having an eye for innovation can simply mean spotting those trends before they hit a critical mass.

“Get out of the ‘giant hairball’ of the industry - don’t be trapped by processes.” (Adam Palmer, Director, Creative Production Ops, GoDaddy)

Marketing, just like many other industries, has its own sets of rules and regulations, which can sometimes stifle creativity. Rather than let that swallow you whole, follow the advice from Gordon McKenzie’s book Orbiting the Giant Hairball and step outside the shackles of procedure. Challenge the status quo.

“Don’t change who you are, that’s what got you in the job you have.” (Paul Ward, Global CEO, Havas Studios)

As new marketers try to find the best ways to progress in the industry, it’s all too tempting to adopt others’ best practices or ways of working without filtering them for yourself. However, some of the best work is done by those who stay true to themselves no matter what, keeping a balance between personal and professional. 

All of these insights came from Automated Creative’s Shiny New Object podcast, where senior marketers at brands share their vision for the future of marketing.

And there is more Marketing Inspiration from this month’s content on Advertisers Watching Ads - our show where top marketers watch other brands’ ads and rate the best and worst about them.

In July, we talked about itchy topics and spreading sexual health awareness, looking for the reasons to smile post-COVID, and glorifying trash vs. greenwashing, with guests from Diageo, GSK, JCDecaux,, LinkedIn, Aunt Bessie’s, Anheuser-Busch and MullenLowe.


Data has been a driving force behind targeted marketing campaigns, but many types of it are acutely underutilised. And, just because you can target, doesn’t mean you should. Personalisation for the sake of it is not the answer. Often, communicating to broad audiences delivers better results. 

In a recent article for WARC, Automated Creative’s Amy Wright talks about looking beyond the death of the cookie and targeting, and focusing on turning creative trigger data into brand insight. Find out more here.

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