My Best Marketing Tips #36: Havas Studios / Paul Ward / Global CEO

My Best Marketing Tips #36: Havas Studios / Paul Ward / Global CEO


Paul Ward is the Global CEO of Havas Studios, bringing together all creative agencies under the Havas umbrella to create innovative campaigns and tap into the full potential of each individual expert within the “village”.

After making several mistakes in his career, Paul has learnt that it’s mistakes that make us who we are and that we should always learn from them to look forward to the future. This includes making the right choice and setting priorities right… such as foregoing a big night out before an important customer meeting!


What would be your best marketing tip?

Our business is simple. Lots of people try to make it complicated. (Nigel Maile, BBH)

How have you put this marketing tip to good use?

I remember Nigel explaining this to me early in my career. Ultimately, creating good campaigns used to be all about putting together a good team and managing it right. It’s as simple as that.

Recently, as the business has become more driven by data, there’s a more complex dimension which makes it that you need to add some science and invest in technology to get it right. But, at its core, marketing was simple.

What marketing tips does the industry need most right now?

Investing in technology and leveraging your village to find your data experts and your tech experts is key to developing now. At Havas, we have this village model where we have all our agencies working in the same amazing building, so we can pull on whichever expert is required for every job and so people can create and network. So I think businesses need to focus on their data experts, use their knowledge and their analytical skills.

What is the marketing tip you give most often?

Don’t change who you are. Stay true to yourself. And find the right balance – whether it’s at work, between work and personal life, or between partying and working seriously.

Listen to Paul talk about career mistakes, the future of marketing and his top tips, on the latest episode of our Shiny New Object podcast:

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