Machine learning helps bring together creativity and performance, Amy Wright tells Communicate Magazine

AI and automation might seem robotic concepts removed from creativity and artistic output to some, but, at Automated Creative, we’ve found that they deliver results audiences love.

Amy Wright, Director of Client Strategy at Automated Creative, has recently written about how we use machine learning and automation to increase the performance of our clients’s ads and deliver useful insights for brands.

Here are the top 3 learnings from Amy:

  • Machines can teach you to be funnier: By showing brands what ads work and why, our automated ads have helped them dial in the tone of their digital marketing to get better results. Sometimes, that means adding more humour!

  • Modern marketing doesn’t have to be a choice between creativity and performance: It’s not all number crunching, and it’s not all unsubstantiated creative designs. The two disciplines can be combined and they become more powerful when you do that.

  • Marketing is no longer a linear process: Through our method of creating ads at scale, in multiple sprints, adjusting the messaging based on real-time feedback from consumers, we’re no longer tied to a linear way of working. Reviewing and relaunching campaigns in-flight makes them better and more effective.

Read more insight from Amy in the article here.

Automated Creative