How To Make It In Marketing #13: The Coca-Cola Company / Monali Shah / Head of Integrated Marketing Experiences, Africa

How To Make It In Marketing #13: The Coca-Cola Company / Monali Shah / Head of Integrated Marketing Experiences, Africa

As the Head of Integrated Marketing Experiences, Africa, Monali manages a team that draws upon talent from across the continent to showcase the diversity of culture and heritage of Africa. Through her experience from being a DJ, an entertainer, and a marketing leader, Monali has learnt the huge importance of culture and empathy.

Her top tip:

To make it in marketing, Monali's advice is to think about how your message will make people feel.

Here are a few more of her top marketing tips.

Focus on the human being and the problem you're trying to solve.

To connect with people, remember that your message needs to address human beings and human problems. That's how brands stay relevant and connected to consumers.

Embrace culture to build diversity & inclusion.

To be able to bring to life the concept of diversity, brands need to be sensitive to culture. At the same time, marketing leaders need to look at the culture and environment of the teams they want to lead when they make hiring decisions. This will ultimately create a diverse, rich message in return.

Say "Yes!" to the uncomfortable.

Have different experiences and never stop learning, experientially or academically. By putting yourself in new and uncomfortable environments, you learn, grow, and become more creative.

 To hear more of Monali’s tips, listen to the podcast here.

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