Working with Brandwatch to get insights that drive results for Reckitt and Durex

With their powerful tool for digital marketing, Brandwatch pull data that helps businesses better understand their consumers. We were able to use data from social media and forums to delve deeper into our client’s target audience when we collaborated with them to maximise acquisition for Durex in the Philippines.  

We’ve worked with Reckitt on a number of successful campaigns, and we were excited to collaborate with their global CARE team, in partnership with Durex’s South-East Asia team, to help reposition the Durex brand and drive sign-ups to a CRM programme. 

Thanks to Brandwatch Consumer Research, we worked to understand how the target audience for Durex interacted with the brand, in order to run an acquisition campaign on Facebook. We were able to collect data that led to important insights into the APAC consumer base, and in particular in the Philippines.

The result was a campaign that delivered four times the number of expected sign-ups. It was also 286% cheaper than the benchmark, while giving Reckitt and Durex lots of useful insights into their target audience for the future.

Amy Wright, Automated Creative’s Director of Strategy, explains how Brandwatch helped: “Brandwatch is one of the few platforms that has this type of scope and reach. The other advantage was that we could look over lots and lots of different types of conversations on different platforms over quite an extended period of time. And it was a really exciting project.

Brandwatch recently published an in-depth case study of our work together, which you can read here.
And you can read more about our work with Durex and Reckitt in our case study here.

Automated Creative